Collis-Warner “Almost Annual Pig Roast” Preparation for 2008 Senate Victory

Virginia’s Democratic Party 2008 U.S. Senate candidate, former Governor, Mark Warne and his wife Lisa Collis hosted yet another of their “almost annual pig roasts” Saturday at their Rappahannock River Bend Farm in King George.

The crowds of friends, longtime supporters, and guests came in the form of Democrats, Republicans and independents from across the Commonwealth, around the nation and even a few visitors from other countries. Their numbers well exceeded last year when almost 5,000 people attended. I’d estimate the number this year to be closer to 7,000 (as the picture below of a small portion of the “field level” parking lot and my personal observation would suggest).

DVC00340 A smiling pink pig greeted folks as they roamed the spacious grounds

DVC00354 Mark Warner spent his time greeting each guest, holding one-on-one conversations, and taking pictures with many of them for well over 5 hours.

DVC00338 The Reedville Fishermen’s Museum brought over one of their roving exhibitions, a replica of the John Smith Barge.

DVC00355 Virginia’s 1st Congressional District Democratic Candidate for Congress, Bill Day took time out from “meeting and greeting” to take this picture with supporters

DVC00349 Former DNC Chair and potential Democratic candidate for Governor in 2009, Terry McAuliffe was found being questioned by well know Virginia blogger and friend Vivian Paige, she’s got her own take on the conversation here

DVC00337 Everyone attending had plenty to do, like these boys keeping busy climbing all over the stacked bales of hay

DVC00353 Toward the end of a very long day I was pleased to be able to take time to thank the host and have a picture taken. To me personally, the way the soon to be next Junior Senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia and his entire family treat their guests provides even more evidence about why, this November 4th, Mark Warner deserves the vote of every Virginian.

DVC00357 With the event winding down not much was left of the pigs but one of their heads with a decorative hat, sunglasses, and red lipstick


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