Al Gore Stands Up for Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Change

August 28, 2008

Over the years I’ve watched former Vice-President Albert Arnold Gore grow into the role of elder statesmen for our nation and the world. Tonight before a crowd at Mile-High Stadium estimated at 83,000, and millions more watching across the nation and around the world, he showed off a maturity that only a hard self examination can provide.

Here’s but one example where he talked about the impact of his (and our country’s) 2000 loss, Take it from me, if it had ended differently, we would not be bogged down in Iraq, we would have pursued bin Laden until we captured him. We would not be facing a self-inflicted economic crisis; we would be fighting for middle-income families. We would not be showing contempt for the Constitution; we’d be protecting the rights of every American regardless of race, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation. And we would not be denying the climate crisis; we’d be solving it.

I encourage you to watch the whole speech

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