Video Proof Obama Was Correct: McCain Was Wrong On Iraq

September 29, 2008

Dear Senator McCain (video from Iraq War Vet)

September 29, 2008

h/t Daily Kos

2 Minute Ad Pushes “Plan For Change”

September 17, 2008

Will Media Cover Issues or Just “Lies, Phony Outrage, and Swiftboat Boat Politics”?

September 10, 2008

With 55 days until November 4th, Democratic Presidential Candidate, Barack Obama was in Norfolk Wednesday talking with people who understand the impact this year’s election will have on the future of our Nation and Virginia.

h/t Rob over at RK

Obama Correct – Republicans Not About Real Change – Just Offering 4 More Years Of National Disasters

September 10, 2008

Be sure to check out the excellent blog entry by Lowell over at RK titled, “Lipstick on a Pig”: Close McCain Advisor (Literally) Wrote the Book!   This is an excellent example of how the netroots can impact a main stream media story and respond to spin coming from a campaign trying to throw mud at a candidate.

Barack Obama “Change We Can Believe In” DNC Acceptance Speech

August 29, 2008

Full text below the fold:
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Al Gore Stands Up for Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Change

August 28, 2008

Over the years I’ve watched former Vice-President Albert Arnold Gore grow into the role of elder statesmen for our nation and the world. Tonight before a crowd at Mile-High Stadium estimated at 83,000, and millions more watching across the nation and around the world, he showed off a maturity that only a hard self examination can provide.

Here’s but one example where he talked about the impact of his (and our country’s) 2000 loss, Take it from me, if it had ended differently, we would not be bogged down in Iraq, we would have pursued bin Laden until we captured him. We would not be facing a self-inflicted economic crisis; we would be fighting for middle-income families. We would not be showing contempt for the Constitution; we’d be protecting the rights of every American regardless of race, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation. And we would not be denying the climate crisis; we’d be solving it.

I encourage you to watch the whole speech

The full text is below the fold
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President William Jefferson Clinton Stands Up For Barack Obama

August 27, 2008

Tonight I was pleased to once again witness one of the greatest Americans and public servants I’ve ever had the pleasure to support, President William Jefferson Clinton, in action.

One thing he said as he stood up and supported Barack Obama to be our next President was especially memorable, “Barack Obama is ready to lead America and restore American leadership in the world. Ready to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. Barack Obama is ready to be President of the United States.”


Below the fold is a video and written copy of the speech:
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Congratulations To Barack Obama On Selecting Senator Joe Biden!

August 23, 2008

Once again Barack Obama provided proof that he’s ready to be President by selecting Delaware Senator Joe Biden to be his Vice-Presidential running mate.

The entire process seemed to accomplish three major goals:
1. Select a person to balance the background and experiences of Barack Obama.
2. Manage the selection process so that it provided a fully vetted candidate ready to hit the ground campaigning on day one
3. Maximize the public relations efforts and gather excitement behind the VP selection.

My congratulations also go out tonight to those who were considered but not chosen. The Democratic Party is well served by everyone whose name was even mentioned. Here in Virginia we had three very deserving of serious consideration: Senator Jim Webb, former Governor and Senate Candidate Mark Warner, and Governor Tim Kaine.

The end of Rakan’s War

August 3, 2008

This Sunday I urge you to take the time to read the story of Rakan Hassan covered by and a very thoughtful blog by TeacherKen on Daily Kos

The end of Rakan’s war
by teacherken [Subscribe]

Sun Aug 03, 2008 at 04:12:01 AM PDT

I will not quote a single word. But I want to warn you. I am going to insist that if you do nothing else today you need to follow the link I am about to give you. It is the lead story in today’s Boston Globe. It is about a boy only a bit younger than the student whose death on Friday inspired me to write my diary yesterday.

And why do I warn you? Because the story will and should trouble you. You are going to be affected, if you still have a heart.

Only after you have read it should you consider going below the fold to read anything additional I might have to offer. And doing so, or recommending this, or commenting, are totally unnecessary, although I will welcome you if you proceed.

But now, please, I insist. Follow this link, being sure to read the entire article.